
A complete and accurate record shall contain: the name of the child receiving services; the specific dates services were provided; the actual times the child entered and the times the child left care for each day services were provided and recorded daily; and signatures of both the provider and the parent at the end of each month, attesting under penalty of perjury that the information provided on the attendance record or invoice is accurate.


CCD Program Instrument: I. Family Files CCD 06a
Welfare & Institutions Code: 10227.5

Monitoring Review Evidence

  • Attendance records | invoice that meet attendance requirements

Watch Video Lesson ❯

Sample Forms/Tools ❯

Attendance Forms/Tools


Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯


Attendance Record | Invoice


According to the regulations, the attendance record, also referred to as a sign-in/out sheet is the primary source document for audit & reimbursement purposes.

It is the provider’s and parent’s responsibility to complete a monthly attendance record or invoice on a daily basis.

The attendance record/invoice must include specific information:

  • NAME of Child receiving services

  • DATES services were provided

  • Actual TIMES child entered & left recorded on a daily basis

  • Legal SIGNATURES of both parents & providers

NOTE: Digital signatures may be used, as long as they comply with state and federal standards


Missing Parent Signature


Provider may submit a monthly attendance record or invoice without a parent’s signature when the following conditions are met:

  1. Parent has not communicated with provider for a minimum of 7 consecutive days

  2. Provider has notified contractor of parent’s lack of communication in accordance with Abandonment of Care Policy

  3. Contractor has documented provider’s unsuccessful attempts to collect signature


Irregular Attendance


Regular attendance is very important for a child’s development & sense of stability.

A system should be in place for Staff & Providers to work with families who have irregular attendance to determine if any support is needed to improve attendance. 

What this might look like in a program:

  • Contractors establish a procedure of communication to families when a child is having irregular attendance.

  • Staff work with families to develop strategies that promote regular attendance using a Child Attendance Success Plan

Complete Knowledge Check ❯

After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.

Individual Knowledge Check (ProProfs) >

Group Knowledge Check (Kahoot!) >