Child Attendance
Certified Attendance
Absence Policies
Sign In/Out Records
Promoting Attendance
Parent Involvement & Education
Healthy Children & Families
Daily Health Check
Child Abuse Reporting
Nutrition: Infant
Nutrition: Child
Health & Social Services
ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 (optional)
Safe Sleep: Infants
Diapering & Toileting
Site Licensure
Community Care Licensing
Staff-Child Ratios
Environment Rating Scale
Active Supervision
Desired Results Profile & Data
Foundations & Framework
Dual Language Learner
Refrain from Religious Instruction
Introduction | Requirement
The program has adopted policies and procedures that are consistent with statutes & regulations on excused and unexcused absences. Documentation of recording & reporting attendance records are consistent with certified hours of enrollment that are established for the child/parent/guardian.
Program Instrument: I. Family Files EED 06 & CCD 06
Education Code: 8205 & 8207
Title 5: 17818 - 17822 | 18065, 18066, 18066.5, 18067, 18068
Monitoring Review Evidence
Verification of Excused Absences & Abandonment of Care Policies
Attendance Registry Records
/Out Records
Written Materials for Parents
Watch Video Lesson ❯
Sample Forms/Tools ❯
Attendance Forms/Tools
Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯
/Out Record
According to the regulations, the attendance record, also referred to as a sign-in/out sheet is the primary source document for audit & reimbursement purposes for children physically attending care.
What this might look like in a program:
A Sign in/out Sheet Reminder cheat sheet is kept by the daily sign-in/out record to remind both staff & parents of the basic requirements that include:
Parent/Guardian full legal signature at time of arrival & departure
Actual time of arrival & departure
Absences are recorded
Child name
Reason for absence
Full legal signature of staff or parent/guardian
Tracking Systems
Contractor’s must establish sound tracking systems to ensure absence types that have limitations are tracked:
Best Interest Days
Limited to 10 days per contract period
Must have a tracking system in place
No limit for CPS & At-Risk children
What this might look like in a program:
Agency tracks attendance & the family is notified when they are near &/or have used all of their 10 best interest days.
Irregular Attendance
Regular attendance is very important for a child’s development & sense of stability.
A system should be in place for Staff to work with families who have irregular attendance to determine if any support is needed to improve attendance.
What this might look like in a program:
Contractors establish a procedure of communication to families when a child is having irregular attendance.
Staff work with families to develop strategies that promote regular attendance using a Child Attendance Success Plan
Attendance Record Verification
When attendance is entered or reconciled by a different person or office other than the teacher that is on-site, a system to ensure staff are reviewing sign-in/out sheets daily for accuracy is ideal. This ensures the attendance records contain:
Parent/Guardian full legal signature at time of arrival & departure
Actual time of arrival & departure
Absences are recorded
Child name
Reason for absence
Full legal signature of staff or parent/guardian
What this might look like in a program:
Each week, teaching staff complete the Classroom Attendance Records Submission Checklist verifying that they have reviewed the sign-in/out sheet for accuracy prior to submitting attendance records for entry.
Complete Knowledge Check ❯
After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.